Over the last 10 years, ActivSpaces has been dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs and their startups. To do so, we first started establishing Cameroon’s premier incubator in the southwest region; at the heart of the Silicon Mountain. There we worked with some of the best entrepreneurs Cameroon has to offer today.  

Although the quality of startups and entrepreneurs that came through ActivSpaces was good, the curriculum of the support program was not. And this was still the case through the years, as we moved into the Littoral and the west regions of Cameroon. Today, our work is not only restricted to local entrepreneurs, but we have worked in partnership with international organizations that have had a keen interest in fostering the entrepreneurial spirit in Cameroon. Through this work, we have been able to finetune our support program to young entrepreneurs. Today, we are introducing entrepreneurs to our tailor-made & branded support program, called Ideation. 

Ideation is a 03-month intensive training program meant for young entrepreneurs seeking to validate their business ideas or to develop their business ideas. Through this program, we are focused on validating a startup’s existence by supporting the entrepreneurs in getting the proof of concept that justifies the business case. This will be done through the acquisition of skills in and knowledge about the business model canvas, time management, team creation & leadership, crowdfunding for early ideas, networking, design, marketing, communication, pitching etc. 

Currently, the program is still unreleased. Be sure to check back in on this article to get updates on the first cohort application and all the requirements that go along with it or simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter below.